Thursday, February 4, 2010

Learning to Trade with Astrology

I just spotted a new blog where somebody is tracking their experiences getting starting with the process of trading in the stock markets. Their using some stock tips from an astrologer it looks like, which apparently are doing pretty well so far.

I'll be checking in from time to time just to check up and see how its going, and will let you know.

You might want to take a look, too. Check it out for yourself at Learning To Trade With Astrology.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Waiting for Mars

Man! It was hard enough getting through the Mercury Retrograde thing last month, but I'm still having lots of trouble getting anything done! It must be the Mars Retrograde that's whacking me now!

I've been watching the stock market do lots of crazy stuff, wondering if I should be trading stocks or maybe just put more of my time into studying astrology. Or maybe I should really get serious about using astrology in planning my investment portfolio, or learning how to really get good with FOREX. Or something.

I think I could really get good at making money trading in the markets if I could just figure out a little more about how all the W. D. Gann stuff, the George Bayer stuff, and the new stuff from astrologers like Bill Meridian, Ray Merriman, Tim Bost, and Arch Crawford all fits together.

Maybe some day I'll learn all the Gann secrets, read all the financial astrology books, and somehow get it all to make sense. But right now my brain is just too tired.

Mars won't be back into direct motion until March 10, which right now seems like a long time to wait. But I guess that's what I'll have to do.

Wonder if there's anything good on at the movies?